It’s amazing how my caloric intake drops like a rock when I stop eating cake/cookies/ice cream/etc. Not unrelatedly, I’m hungry. That’s about all I got tonight. Either yesterday’s hot chocolate offset the OMFG I NEED SUGAR cravings and tomorrow will be hell, or this is going pretty well. And really, tomorrow is my Day In Dublin, and the odds of having another hot chocolate are, shall we say, Extremely High, so I’m either weaning myself off or purposefully torturing myself; your call. Anyway, either way, so far, not suffering much.…
Author: mizkit
Sugar Wars, Day 2
I had both a Sprite and a hot chocolate today, both of which I can fudge as being Not *Food*, but rather *Drink*, but we all know I’m really bending the spirit of the law until it’s sprained, there. I did, however, get my 10K steps in, and kept a calorie count for the second day in a row, so I’m calling it a win and going onward.
Sugar Wars: Day 1
Several of us in these parts have entered a pact, or at least an agreement, to cut sugar from our diets for 30 days. Much of my incentive is that it’s pretty clear I’m gaining weight at exactly the same rate I’m eating junk food, and I’d rather not balloon ALL the way back up to my previous fatness. I’ve already regained about 12 pounds in the last 6 months (although I gotta say, a third of that was in December. What a disaster the holidays were for me, food-wise.)…
Cover Reveal: ROSES IN AMBER
AAAAAH *FLAILS* Tara O’Shea, my wonderful cover artist, got me the final draft of the ROSES IN AMBER cover last night! It’s SO GORGEOUS! And SO PERFECT! And EEEEEEE *FLAILS*!!!! There is a story of a beast, and a merchant’s daughter, and a curse that must be broken. This is not—quite—that story. Amber Gryce believes in magic the way anyone does: as a thing of the past, marked now only by the long reign of an ancient queen sworn to live until her stolen son is returned to her. Such…
Rally Against Racism, Dublin, February 2 2017
I hadn’t planned on going to a political rally last night. In fact, I’d had specific other plans–there’s a local SF book club that I’m trying to attend in, y’know, an attempt to socialize myself better–but god damn it, this is it, people. These are the days that, in history class, we would say, “Well, if *I* had been alive in the 30s, *I* would have…” This moment, what you’re doing now, that’s what you’d have been doing then, because our Right Now is the path they were on eighty…