Today’s PT session taught me that my calves are the only part of my body not made entirely of knots. PT went after my calves and after she’d done one and was working on the other I was like “Either you’re going a lot easier on my calves than the rest of me, or they’re just not knotted.” She said, “I’m actually using exactly the same pressure!” and thus I deduced my calves are not made entirely of knots. The rest of me, though, Jesus. My right shoulder’s been really…
Author: mizkit
counting the words
I’m sure you’ll all be surprised to hear I didn’t manage 5K a day for the entirety of January. I did about 70K, which is quite good, if not my Best Month Ever. ROSES IN AMBER has gone through copy edits and I’ll be putting those in on Friday (tomorrow is a rest day) and hopefully it’ll drop early next week. I finished another revision pass on REDEEMER, which I think involved writing about 3-5K but only netted me 1K on the book. It has one more pass to go,…
omg chance painting!!!!
I got a package in the mail today from Leah Moore, for whom I drew a silly little comic recently (which I’ll be posting soon, in fact!). It contained a watercolor sketchbook and a dip pen and ink and I thought AW YOU DARLING! and said AW YOU DARLING! to her on Twitter. “Have you looked inside the sketchbook yet?” she asked. “NO!” I said, “LET ME GO DO THAT RIGHT NOW!” “I’ll wait,” sez she, and I ran downstairs to open the sketchbook and inside was THIS! OMFG OMG…
Women’s March: Dublin
This will be a long picture-heavy post, so I’m going to open it with a fresh link to my IT’S A REBELLION: I REBEL t-shirt at Zazzle. I don’t actually know if they’ll let me keep it up and if they don’t I won’t put it up again, so get it now while the getting is good. I went to the Dublin arm of the International Women’s March on Washington last Saturday. There were 2-3000 people marching here, which thrills me (although honestly, it doesn’t make me as happy as…
PT Session #2
I went to see the PT again yesterday. I was mentally geared up for another murder session like the first one, and, y’know, she worked me over really well. Softened me up, and then went to really start the heavy duty work on my shoulders and… There’s an Impossible Knot in my left trapezius, which she’d loosened up last time by going through my armpit. (Oh god the pain, but it was amazing.) Anyway, so she went after the knot yesterday without going through my armpit first, and I mean,…