Sadly, no, I have not been home lately to take these pictures; they’re from 2003, when several of us went out kayaking on Eklutna Lake, outside of Anchorage, on a ridiculously glorious day. I’m going through my digital photo archives, trying to clean them up and get rid of all the terrible pictures, which is something I’ve been meaning to do for, uh, ever. Mostly it’s not very hard, but these Alaska photos do make me homesick.
Author: mizkit
Kitsnacks: Homemade Pop Tarts
Many years ago, presumably before Pop Tarts began to be a thing that occasionally showed up on Irish grocery store shelves, I got the idea into my head that one could, y’know, probably MAKE them. I looked for recipes, but never got around to making them. A couple weekends ago I was making pot pie anyway and thought I should make up an extra batch of pie crust and try ’em. oh my flippin’ stars. I used my basic pie crust recipe and added about a quarter cup of sugar…
these are a few of my favourite…words…!
I had the opportunity to use my favourite word this morning, and then I thought: favourite words are a thing, right? they’re totally a thing! people have favourite words! RIGHT?! A brief enquiry on Twitter incidated that yes, other people also have favourite words. “Defenestration” is remarkably popular. I had an “acquiesce” (“Love that triphthong.”) and a “semester” (Swedish for ‘vacation’) and an ‘obstensibly’, which I can also really get behind, because what a great word to say. It’s delicious! My own favourite word is antepenultimate, which I love not…
Launch Day: Atlantis Fallen
Today is Launch Day for ATLANTIS FALLEN, first of the Heartstrike Chronicles! This is a book of my heart, with a long and sordid history; it’s undergone major revisions, and I still basically love it and hope you all will too. :) Without further ado: ATLANTIS FALLEN for Kindle! ATLANTIS FALLEN for Kobo! ATLANTIS FALLEN for iBooks! ATLANTIS FALLEN for Nook! ATLANTIS FALLEN can also be found on Scribd and Inktera if you don’t buy from the above links. It might be available other places, too, I don’t know. :)…
Picoreview: The Huntsman: Winter’s War
Picoreview: The Huntsman: Winter’s War: even worse than I expected. I said that to Mom, that it was worse than I expected and I went in expecting to be disappointed, and she said, “I’m glad there was SOME surprise!” *laughs out loud* You can tell it’s bad before the credits even really get rolling, because Liam Neeson starts doing a completely unnecessary voiceover, and he keeps at it periodically throughout the film. I believe that if they had given Charlize Theron a piece of furniture she would have literally chewed…