I yam a beeoooteeful woman! Ahem. :)
Zilli has climbed into the cupboard that holds Ted’s computer box. Now the door of the cupboard is Thumping Mysteriously, and when I peek in at him, he looks at me with Real Big Eyes like O.O! And it’s all driving Chantico nuts. As she is a puppy, this is a very short drive, and it’s driving *me* nuts. (Comments from the peanut gallery on that aren’t necessary.)
My wrist hurts. :P And I should find some breakfast, but I lack enthusiasm for the task.
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You know, they DO say that pets and their people start to resemble each other after a while….
(Sorry, but the peanut gallery couldn’t resist. :) )
I have to ask: Are *all* the pictures
for that quiz by Royo?
Is that who the artist is? I think so, yeah. They all look like the same artist, anyway.
is the -ess on the end of warrior really necessary? *sigh*