The bathroom is clean, although I will recruit Shaun to work miracles on the floor, because frankly, he’s better at floors than I am. They’re a damned sight better than they were already, though. The downstairs is … better. Not good, but better. I started packing a box of stuff to drag to Title Wave, and if … I got interrupted partway through that sentence and don’t know where it was going. Anyway, I’ve got a pile of book stuff I need to send out to people, so I’ll work on getting that packed, and I need to ebay some ElfQuests, which… ah, that’s what I was going to say. I need to get my desk cleaned off to do that, so if I get my desk cleaned I’ll do that tonight, was where I was going with that.
You know, I’m supposed to be having a *vacation* here. When do I get to start vacating?
current music: Meat Loaf & Pandora’s Box on random
miles to Mount DOOOOM: 72
You’re vacating old stuff from your house. So it IS a vacation. Technically.
That was not the answer I was looking for. :)