I’m giving up pizza and sugar for Lent. Nevermind that it’s October. Pretend it’s Lent, dammit. How long is Lent, anyway?
Um. I did *nothing* yesterday. I mean, I fixed bugs and I played some CoH and I watched an episode of Highlander and part of an episode of L&O, and ate pizza for dinner and had ice cream, and talked to Sarah for a while *hugs*. But that was it. It was not a Day Full Of Things.
Today I’m going to start on the HoS edits that I got from everybody.
miles to Lothlorien: 294
40 days.
Oh good. That’ll put me back on sugar just in time for pumpkin pie. :)
Hey…did you change your email like you were thinking about? I sent you a message and didn’t know if it got lost in a shuffle somewhere…the thing that I would have to give up for Lent that would do me the most good would be CoH. It has become my life outside of work…
Nope, I got your email, I just haven’t answered it yet. :)