
Boo! G’morning! I’m unreasonably awake, given that it’s a quarter to four in the morning! Quarter to three my time, in fact, but we went to bed at 8pm, what with the being exhausted and all, so we got a reasonable amount of sleep. Then it turned out our clock in the room was set ten minutes ahead (we only just discovered this this morning) and so we’re early for check-out and thus I have a minute to type frantically. (It also explains why we were early or on time for everything all weekend, when we thought often that we were just barely going to squeak in.)

It’s been a fantastic weekend. I got to meet LongshotJim for the first time after a decade of friendship, and to my vast amusement he usually called me Kit. Even more amusing was the dedication he put in one of the books I brought to have him sign. Only MUSH geeks will get this, but it said:

:waves! “Kit!”

That made me laugh out loud. :)

Weekend highlights: Evan, the 13 year old attendee, had his (130,000 word!) fantasy novel requested by Tor Books during a not-even-a-pitch session; he was just talking to Anna Genoese and she ended up requesting his novel. (*I* haven’t written a 130K book! Ye gods!) Cyn, who was there last year, had Anna ask for an (as yet unwritten, I believe) book, as did Jess, whom we believe is my missing clone or evil twin. And I cannot remember the girl’s name right now (it’s 4am!), but at lunch yesterday she told us how on Thursday before she arrived she finally got a rejection letter from Tor, a very, very *positive* rejection letter, of the, “Sorry this took us 18 months to respond to, but it went around to three or four editors while we tried to decide if we could buy it,” variety, so she was astonishingly thrilled with that, and it was followed up by having Evan Fogelburg (I may be misspelling that; I’ll check later) of the Fogelburg Agency interrogate her (her words, but he’s something of a force of nature; interrogation seems to be his natural style of speech) outside of a pitch session, and he was very, very enthusiastic about the book she had just had barely rejected by Tor, and told her he expected to see something on his desk from her soon. So, wow! It’s been a great weekend for people!

It was really nice to have Ted along instead of, well, not. I really enjoyed that. Much, *much* nicer than not having him along. And I got to see Sarah and Trip and Leigh Anne and Emily (ok, I’ve seen her pretty regularly this summer, shush) and everybody from last year and yeah. It’s been a good weekend. *beam*

Ok, off to catch the shuttle now. :)

4 thoughts on “boo!

  1. The posted schedule was more of a guideline, anyway, so you probably would have been on time anyway.

    The headshavey girl was named Cal, I think.

    Fogelman, not Fogelburg. (Someone made that slip during his talk, so now everyone who was there remembers. :)

    Oof. Dead parasite!

  2. Fogelman! And Cal! I remembered Cal’s name later, when it was no longer 3something in the morning. :)

    No dead parasites!

  3. Yep, the girl with the shaved head was Cal. At least I hope so. If not, I’ve forgotten my name!


  4. Hi, Cal! After the weekend, I’m surprised I remember my *own* name, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d forgotten yours. :)

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