books in the wild!

sent a photograph of HEART OF STONE in the wild!

Accompanied, as you see, by the Walker Papers (and, somewhat startlingly, a bit of Robert Newcomb thrown in). Yay! :) (I have a bunch more in-the-wild pictures people’ve sent me over the last couple years. I need to get all of them posted one of these days.)

After I walked up and down Blarney Street nine hundred times on Friday, came over and made me go for another walk, so I did five or six miles Friday. My feets were tired! And now I’m only 32 miles from Minas Tirith, so I’m going to try to finish that journey in November despite travelling all over the damned place. It’d be nice to get more than that done, but c’mon, I’m going to be in Fairbanks in November for a week (, we need to get together while I’m there!). Odds of walking further than from the door to the car are very slim.

I’m doing NaNoWriMo (I’m ce_murphy on the site if you want to Nanobuddy me), because it happens that I’ve got about 50K left to write on HANDS OF FLAME, and we’ve moved long past needing to do a death march. This needs to be more like a death sprint. While travelling for three weeks. Oi. Anyway, so will be up and running for November, and anybody who wants to join in the miseryfun is more than welcome to come post over there with poor sucker-ish me.

We took Mom and Dad to see Stardust last night. I love that movie. *beams* In fact, I’d go see it *again* in the theatre. I don’t remember the last movie I was willing to see in the theatre three times. Maybe X2, which I saw at least three times, since we’d gotten tickets for a 2pm show, then, in a fit of weakness, went to the midnight premiere, and then I went again on the Sunday with , who should post something one of these days. And I might’ve gone again with Dad.

This weekend has been the jazz festival in Cork and I have *totally failed* to attend any of it. Next year I will do better, dammit.

I’ve gotten a leetle tiny bit of writing done this weekend, and now I’ll go do a little more. Yay me. :)

miles to Minas Tirith: 348

11 thoughts on “books in the wild!

  1. I spotted HoS in the wild, too, but I can’t figure out how to get the pic off my phone and onto the computer…

    When I bought Coyote Dreams (yesterday, because I am muy lame), both the cashier and the teenager hanging out at the counter commented on how much they like your books.

  2. Shiney! I hope the wild things get bagged quickly…..

    I’m doing NaNoWriMo, too, because I have about 50,000 words left on my novel. But I feel like it’s cheating.

    Not sure how I feel about cheating — not bad enough not to do it in this case.

    I’m still trying to figure out how to find your profile to buddy up to you….

  3. I’m glad you’re doing Nano and keeping going this year. I’ll have to friend you there. I’m goth_huntress (of course). I have 50K to go on my SF Earthquake novel, so that’s my project this year.

  4. 1. I love your icon.

    2. I totally don’t feel like it’s cheating to finish a WIP. I don’t care what the rules say. So there. :)

    3. I don’t think I actually know how to find people on the NNWM site either. Just join –I’ll probably post more there anyway. :)

  5. Thanks!

    Feel free to lift the icon (or if that doesn’t work, I’ll post it on my LJ entry). I made it myself. It’s a composite of two screenshots from Terminator 2.

    I’ll check out toonowrimo.

  6. And there’s , too. A community for public accountability as to wordage. It was originally designed for a more leisurely writing pace, but there are a few souls who use it for more aggressive goals.

    And ‘s daily inspirational quotes are usually worth the price of admission.

  7. I tried to send you my in the wild photo but my cellphone is REFUSING to upload any of my pictures. *sigh* I’ll get it to you when I can! There was about nine copies there :P

  8. I loved Stardust! :) I think that’s one of those movies that will have a long and eventually profitable life on DVD, though no way the DVD could be as gorgeous as it was on the big screen.

    I hear that Enchanted, while not as dark as Stardust (after all it is Disney), will be nearly as good. It won’t open until Thanksgiving here, no idea when it’ll be in Ireland. It had the world premiere in London this past weekend.

  9. heehee. That ‘one copy of Urban Shaman’ I keep mentioning occasionally? That’s the one. :D

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