I didn’t mean to log on this morning, but I had to order food for wretched Zilli, so since I was here I thought I’d make a quick journal entry. :)
Yesterday was pretty much a wash, writing-wise. Got maybe 5 or 600 words done. Tired, tired me. Did too much EXERMACIZIN’ on Wednesday. Although, y’know, really, going outside to play doesn’t seem very much like exermacizin’. Gotta say, I have a great deal more sympathy for my Mom’s “Go outside and play, it’s a beautiful day!” when we were kids now. :) Although I still think if you’re telling kids that, you oughta go outside and play yourself. I mean, if it’s that important…
Anyway, biked 13 miles (piker! i didn’t do the hill at the end of the trail!) and walked about 3.5 miles yesterday, and indeed I did get sunblock, so I haven’t improved my sunburn any. Which is good, because what I’ve got ITCHES. Rassle frassle mumble mutter stupid sunburn who ever heard of getting sunburned in *April* for god’d sake mutter mumble rassle frassle
Oh, incidentally, the neighbor was arrested as “part of the wrap-up of an ongoing investigation”, or at least I think it was part of the wrap-up, but we still don’t know exactly what the investigation was about.
Uh. Oh! And I went to see Al Pacino’s “The Merchant of Venice” last night. It was very good, although the sound quality was poor and I don’t know if that’s because the Bear Tooth has lousy sound or if it was the track on the film. I did spend a lot of time wondering if Joseph Fiennes’ hair was period (I suspect so, but boy was it bad) and generally wishing he wasn’t quite so soppy-seeming. (In the great “Shakespeare In Love” debate, I came down firmly on the side of Ned.) He’s a reasonably good actor, just soppy-looking. So that was a bit distracting, but Al Pacino was scenery-chewing vengeful and Jeremy Irons, as the Merchant, was *really* *good*. Heartbreaking. *siiiiigh* So, yeah, overall, a win. Good stuff.
Ok, I should get some breakfast and get to work now. And, er, do more laundry.
miles to Rauros Falls: 182.5
miles to Hobbiton: 99.7
“Shakespeare in Love” debate?
You’re a guy, so probably the debate didn’t come anywhere near you. However, all the women I know were quite willing to duke it out: Will (Joseph Fiennes) Vs. Ned (Ben Affleck). I’m a Ned girl, me. :)