Do canned peaches count as part of one’s daily froots and vegetables? Or are they basically just More Sweet Stuff? How about if they’re in light syrup instead of heavy syrup? I don’t like peaches (they’re fuzzy) but I liked canned peaches quite a lot and I’m trying to eat more froots…
(4110 words so far. A measly 400 to go!)
Well, chekc out the little nutrition label. They gots vitamins, they gots fiber… I figure, as long as the first ingredient is something healthy, then the rest doesn’t count, right??? ;)
Yes, they count, says she who spent two years studying nutritional epidemiology, though don’t make them you ONLY fruits and veggies. :) Try to get the light syrup ones or, even better, the ones in natural juice (Dole makes some of those).
The post was pretty much directed at you, Laura. I figured you’d be able to tell me. I do get the light syrup ones, anyway, and I’ll look for some natural juice ones. I didn’t even know they made those.
I, er, usually manage a vegetable with dinner, anyway… see, this is part of why I needed to know if canned peaches counted. I’m trying to balance my diet. I *am*!
Which is a very good thing to do! It’s not easy… My strategy to get at least 3 a day (I shoot for 5, but don’t always make it these days) is to have a piece of fruit with breakfast, either a fruit (canned peaches are a favorite of mine too) or a vegetable (often roasted peppers or lots of lettuce on my sandwich or a veggie soup)with lunch, and a veggie for dinner. It adds up quickly.
I try to do 5 a day, but it does HORRID things to my digestive system. I’m just not made to be a fresh fruit and veggie eater. :P
nice web site