Please forgive any early morning typos. I have a cat flopped over my left arm, and he’s doing his best to push the keyboard away. There. I’ve stopped him from doing that. God knows why flopped over my left arm is the Best Place To Be today, but–ah, there he goes, and now circulation returns. He wandered around my feet, and then my lap, meowing loudly and headbutting me, before flopping over my arm. Cats is weird.
Flailing at the front end of this book. Don’t know how to get into it. V. annoying. Should probably continue to work on TB instead and not worry about it; inspiration will strike at some unlikely moment, no doubt.
Got a phone call at 7:30 this morning from my new boss’s assistant, who is in Chicago, where it was 10:30 and a reasonable hour to call someone, confirming that I have an appointment to talk to my new boss this afternoon, except moving the time. She had no idea I was in Alaska. She doesn’t know if the new boss knows I’m in Alaska. I said, “I’d assumed it was a phone interview,” and she said, “Wow. Gosh,” and things like that. So I guess we’ll see if he calls me.
I got online banking set up with our bank. Now, in order to do online banking with our bank, you have to go into the bank and fill out paperwork and wait for them to send you account activation information via snailmail, which is the first sign that they Don’t Get The Whole Online Thing. That’s followed up by it being the absolute worst banking interface I’ve ever seen, once the paperwork’s been sent and the account activated. Go, FNBA.
Now Zilli’s in one of the bathrooms, meowing about how he is the most lonely, pathetic, unloved, sad, hungry kitty in the *whole world*. It echoes.
Can’t go see Chronicles of Riddick tonight because Shaun’s stupid job decided he needed to work Friday nights. Stupid job. We’ll go tomorrow night. Emily, you wanna come?
I had something else I was going to say, but it’s slipped my mind. I’m sure it’ll come back later. :)
Things I did yesterday that were good for me: walked 3 miles, ate 1 froots. Things I’ll do today that are good for me: walk 2 miles, gym, eat 1-2 froots.
miles to Lothlorien: 30
I liked Riddick. It was nifty!
I’m not sure why that amuses me, but it does. :)
Marith, cleverly reading your journal again so as not to miss Bay visits