Slaying the Dragon: A Walker Papers short story

Once in a while I manage to have my act together enough to present a holiday short story to my readers. This year’s story was inspired by visiting North Carolina for the first time, and driving some of those twisty twisty roads that Joanne is so fond of. Slaying the Dragon is set five years after the end of SHAMAN RISES, and as such, contains, if not outright spoilers, certainly spoilers by association. :) Slaying the Dragon (pdf) (turns out wordpress won’t let me upload epub or mobi files, sorry.…

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Shaman Rises cover

a Walker Papers 2016 election prediction

I *do* have a throw-away comment about the 2016 election in one of my #WalkerPapers short stories. I thought I did. The protagonist is Ashley, the little girl from #ThunderbirdFalls, 20 years later: “I had a grenade launcher. I wasn’t supposed to, of course. Nobody was, especially since the country-wide crackdown after the election riots when I was seventeen.” The story was written in 2012 and was a deliberate (given the Walker Papers timeline) reference to the 2016 elections, and I kept the line even though it made my editor…

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No Mo Wri Mo

Up until a few days ago I was still entertaining the notion that somehow, sure, I was going to pull Nanowrimo out of the hat and participate. I’m not sure I thought that was a realistic goal, but I was hanging on to it anyway. I’ve come to my senses. Most of the reason I’ve come to my senses, probably, is that my editor got the revision letter for REDEEMER back to me, and given that the book is now pushing 2 years late (*cringe*) that kinda has to take…

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Octocon 2016

So Octocon was great fun. I went into it tired (because i was an IDIOT and i got a new phone on THURSDAY and i couldn’t get it to update properly and i stayed up until TWO IN THE MORNING getting it working right, the day before a weekend-long convention started!) and had a panel Friday night so I had to be vaguely functional through that, and more or less was. It was a weekend of selfies because I didn’t have the camera with me a lot because I couldn’t…

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Attack Kickstarter: Atlantis Fallen print edition!

I’d told everybody I didn’t want to run a Kickstarter for the ATLANTIS FALLEN print edition until I at *least* had REDEEMER off to the editor, to whom it went a couple of weeks ago. Then it turned out that both my cover artist and book designer were free to turn a project around quickly, so I have launched a SUDDEN ATTACK KICKSTARTER!!! It’s a super low-key Kickstarter by my standards: it’s got one simple goal, which is financing the ATLANTIS FALLEN print edition. Why Kickstarter? Because I’ve found out…

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