It always strikes me, when I use that phrase, “I finished a book,” that I usually mean something different than 99% of other people do when they say it. Possibly 99.7%. I, of course, generally mean I finished writing a book, as opposed to reading one. (Although let me tell you, there are times anymore when finishing reading one seems like as much of a triumph…) Anyway, so on Monday I finished the (oh my god so very) rough draft of REDEEMER, which has been hanging over me for what…
Category: CEMurphy
2016 work schedule
Want to know what I’m doing this year? Or at least, what I’m trying to do? Here. Let me tell you! Publishing MAGIC & MANNERS I’m in the very last stages of getting MAGIC & MANNERS out into the world–the last bits (the ISBN bar code, mostly) are being generated for the cover, it’ll be handed off to a professional to convert it into e-books, and it’s the first book I’ll be publishing through the Ingram self publishing system, which will theoretically make it order-able in bookstores all around the…
weekend writing retreat
I had a little stress-induced breakdown this week (mentioned earlier under the cunning title “rage bot murder machine” or something like that) and consequently Ted sent me away for a weekend writing retreat this weekend. My primary goal going in was to get the REDEEMER manuscipt to 90,000 words (about 4/5ths done), and my secondary goal was to write 15,000 words if I could (these two goals were separated by a wordcount of about 1500 words). I wrote about 16,000 words, which comes out (roughly) to about 53 pages of…
rage machine murder bot
Yesterday I woke up a rage machine murder bot. Ted suggested I stay home from the thing I was supposed to do and work instead, as the combination of the thing I was supposed to do and having done *no work* lately were the basic components of my rage, and although I should have done the thing I had a giant hot chocolate with a lot of whipped cream and wrote instead, and by noon I had mostly (mostly) thrown off the desire to murder absolutely everything. I had to…
Recent Reads: Spindrift
I read Allen Steele’s Coyote trilogy…*checks the reading page* good lord, in 2006. And really liked them, so I’ve been looking forward to reading SPINDRIFT for, uh. Years. I have no idea how long it’s been on my TBR shelf. Quite a while. So I was disappointed when I bounced hard off the opening chapter/prologue/thing, and was wondering if I should go re-read the COYOTE books to see if they were, y’know, any good, and also to see what they refreshed about what this book was possibly supposed to be…