Recent Reads: Little House books

I bought the Little House series (the proper edition, illustrated by Garth Williams) for Young Indiana last year for Christmas, thinking that sometime in the next year or so he might be about ready to start having them read to him. A few months ago he got LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE, brought it to me, and said, “Maybe we could read this book! It has a FEW pictures!” I told him we had to start with LITTLE HOUSE IN THE BIG WOODS, but that I would love to read…

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Nano No More

I made it through about 35K in November, then totally failed in the last ten days to get the last 15K in. Still, it means that after today’s writing session I’m at 70K on REDEEMER, which means I have somewhere between 30-50K to go. I hate having that broad a target to shoot for. I usually have a much better sense of my wordcount, going in. I suppose I’ll see when I get to the end, though. What else. Not much else. I have ambitions of 80K by the weekend…

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stayin’ alive

*lurches out of the darkness, stares around wildly* I’ve just finished up page proofs on MAGIC & MANNERS, which will be widely available…uh, pretty much as soon as there’s cover art. :) Working on REDEEMER, having just reached the (hopefully) halfway point and having (definitely) gotten all the long-term recurring characters on the page. Except the one who isn’t introduced in this book but nevermind that. Hosting American Thanksgiving at our place this Saturday (because for some inexplicable reason, the Irish don’t have next Thursday and Friday off work), and…

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a good copy edit

– write 2k on REDEEMER : 2100 words – revise (or proof) 50 pages on one of 3 different projects 130 pages : proofed – clean a room (thanksgiving is coming) : total failure on this today So I’m doing page proofs on MAGIC & MANNERS, which is a very, very clean manuscript. I keep thinking I must be missing stuff, but I’m not. There’s just not much to catch. The copy editor, Richard Shealy at SFF Copy Editing, is terrific (and for hire :)). So that’s a great thing.…

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dear god, it’s november

This year has just…gone. Poof. Fweh. Zoom. I honestly don’t feel like I’ve ever fully recovered from moving. Possibly because the last dozen or whatever boxes still aren’t dealt with. I just need another bookshelf, at this point, and I don’t have one. #sigh Anyway. I have so many things to do. My daily Thinks To Do List looks like this, every day all month: – write 2k on REDEEMER (ie, nanowrimo) – revise (or proof) 50 pages on one of 3 different projects 50 pages : proofed – clean…

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