I set myself a small, realistic wordcount goal this year, because last year was so phenomenally bad. 200K, that was my goal. I had over 100K by the end of March, so it was something of a letdown to take until yesterday to reach the 200K mark, but I have triumphed and heck, there are still 3 months left in the year! (And I, uh, want to finish at least 2 more books in that time. And write 3 or more short stories…) Still, I reached goal, so that’s nice.…
Category: CEMurphy
committing epic
I’m working on my epic fantasy proposal. The other day I was whining to Michelle Sagara that epic was hard and I was rambling and meandering and babbling and boring all the readers to tears, I could just tell… …and she said, “So: in other words, you’re writing.” *laughs* Yeah, well. I’m writing. And I’m used to writing urban fantasy, which is quite fast-paced, so I went into this kinda thinking “yeah okay first major beat will probably be around 5K words” and now I’m 16.3K in and, er, still…
“I’ve always wanted to write a book!”
At the cafe this morning, people were talking w/site manager about market space. I was listening in & they noticed. Manager says “She’s writing a book!” One immediately says “I have a great first line for a book: ‘I’ve a terrible secret.’ Isn’t that great? You could get a whole book deal off that!” I thought, “Uh, no you couldn’t,” and I *said* “So what’s the secret?” She said “You don’t find out at the end! Keep them for the second book!” …right then. Then they asked for my name…
Kickstarter comes to Ireland
First, before I start nattering about my own nebulous projects, lemme point you at three (3!) excellent Kickstarters that are currently running: 1. Lawrence Watt-Evans offers up delicious steampunky pulp! with illustrations! in TOM DERRINGER AND THE ALUMINUM AIRSHIP! 2. Ellen Million is running a second fantasy coloring books for so-called grown-ups, with a wide variety of artists pitching in books this time! 3. Patricia Bray & Joshua Palmatier have launched TEMPORALLY OUT OF ORDER, an anthology I really wish I could participate in but was obliged to face reality…
& that’s a wrap
I’ve just finished up the copy edits on STONE’S THROE, my Spirit of the Century pulp fiction novel for Evil Hat Productions. I believe it’ll be out to the backers in quite short order, and available for general purchase not *too* long after that. I kinda love this book, guys. I think you will too. It’s full of ridiculous good swoopy pulpy fun, and I’m really glad I got a chance to write it. And now I am going to go do the Ice Cream Dance of Celebration! :)