At the cafe this morning, people were talking w/site manager about market space. I was listening in & they noticed. Manager says “She’s writing a book!” One immediately says “I have a great first line for a book: ‘I’ve a terrible secret.’ Isn’t that great? You could get a whole book deal off that!” I thought, “Uh, no you couldn’t,” and I *said* “So what’s the secret?” She said “You don’t find out at the end! Keep them for the second book!” …right then. Then they asked for my name…
Category: CEMurphy
Kickstarter comes to Ireland
First, before I start nattering about my own nebulous projects, lemme point you at three (3!) excellent Kickstarters that are currently running: 1. Lawrence Watt-Evans offers up delicious steampunky pulp! with illustrations! in TOM DERRINGER AND THE ALUMINUM AIRSHIP! 2. Ellen Million is running a second fantasy coloring books for so-called grown-ups, with a wide variety of artists pitching in books this time! 3. Patricia Bray & Joshua Palmatier have launched TEMPORALLY OUT OF ORDER, an anthology I really wish I could participate in but was obliged to face reality…
& that’s a wrap
I’ve just finished up the copy edits on STONE’S THROE, my Spirit of the Century pulp fiction novel for Evil Hat Productions. I believe it’ll be out to the backers in quite short order, and available for general purchase not *too* long after that. I kinda love this book, guys. I think you will too. It’s full of ridiculous good swoopy pulpy fun, and I’m really glad I got a chance to write it. And now I am going to go do the Ice Cream Dance of Celebration! :)
a week of work
With the arrival of September and the start of (pre)school, I have gotten more work done in the past week than in the past three months combined. There’s a cafe in the same building as my son’s preschool, so I’ve been dropping him off, walking thirty meters to order a cup of berry tea, and sitting down to write for close to 3 hours. It’s a godsend. On the second morning, the barista said, dubiously, “Do you *like* the berry tea?” and I cheerfully admitted it was about the only…
Recent Reads: A Crack in Everything
This angel was a beautiful piece of graffiti on South William Street in Dublin. It was there a long time: I saw it often. I never thought to write a story about it. I would resent that now that Ruth Frances Long has written one and thus proven to me what I failed to imagine, except I’m just really, really *happy* that Ruth wrote this book, and let me tell you, it’s always a relief when a friend writes a book you genuinely like. A CRACK IN EVERYTHING is urban…