DB Jackson returns! Again!

I’m delighted to once more have my friend and fellow writer DB Jackson on the blog for a series of not-terribly-serious interview questions! 1. Let’s start with the obvious. Give me the ten-cent shake-down on A PLUNDER OF SOULS. The Thieftaker Chronicles are historical urban fantasy, and the books tell the story of Ethan Kaille, a conjurer and thieftaker (the eighteenth century equivalent of a private detective) living in pre-Revolutionary Boston. Each book is a stand-alone mystery set against the backdrop of a particular historical event leading to the American…

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I love you guys.

I really, really do. You’re crazy-wonderful. Crunderful. No, that doesn’t sound nice. Anyway, I love you. The Fantasy Fudge project funded in about five hours. I have since received several emails from readers and friends laughing at me for being surprised, but honestly, it was a lark, it IS a lark, I figured I should give myself FORTY-FIVE DAYS to make it work, when, jeez, I don’t know, maybe a week would have been enough. So I love you guys. At this moment, there are (technically) 7 kinds of fudge…

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CE Murphy’s Fantasy Fudge

You guys are a bad influence. :) Enough people said “tryyyyy it” that I went ahead and launched a Fantasy Fudge Project page, which amuses me, at the least. (And, er, it’s actually already gotten more funding than I would have expected, honestly. You’re not only a bad influence but you’re wonderful. And funny. *laughs*) Ted and I actually sat down and costed everything out last night (there are advantages to being married to a professionally trained chef!) and while the early backer fudge is expensive, it’s actually a pretty…

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oh, how exciting!

So I sent the edited script to Leah yesterday to have a look over, and she said “Good job, if you can find an artist who can handle the period artwork you’ll be golden” so I sent her the character sketches and she was like OH YOU’LL BE FIIIIIIIIINE, which was wonderful. I also sent the script to Val, who said, within minutes, “Okay, I read the script. You’ve got me. I loved it. Still lots to explain, but I want to know what happens next!” So that’s terrific and…

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script complete!

A minor accomplishment: I have finished the little 8-page script for Genesis, the first of my Chance-universe tie-in stories. It has been edited by the illustrious Leah Moore, and has been sent off to artist Noval Hernawan, who did a rather splendid character sketch for our main character, Gemma Fade, in her 1950s war-time nurse’s uniform: I’m really looking forward to getting this project put together. The character is (in broad terms) a kind of Captain America/Wonder Woman mashup, and I have a clear idea on her story arc and…

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