Recent Reads: The Tamir Triad

I very nearly did not finish even the first book (THE BONE DOLL’S TWIN) of this trilogy, nevermind the whole thing, but damn, I’m glad I did. I’d had it recommended to me a while back when I was thinking about the structure of a YA series I want to write someday. As it happens, it doesn’t do the thing I was thinking about, which is neither here nor there, but holy wow is it well written. I mean, really, really well written, to the point that despite the fact…

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Recent Reads: Redshirts

I’m way behind the curve on reading REDSHIRTS, but it is, as generally advertised, a fun book. It gets a little too caught up in its own cleverness, but mostly it works. I also presume it’s generally more fun to read if you’re a Star Trek fan, but since I am one, I can’t tell if it lacks if you’re not. Aside from the presumption of more fun/sense if you’re a Star Trek fan, it has too many characters with similar names, which makes it hard to keep track if…

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patreon problem

The payment problem on Patreon was my fault. Twice I set the stupid thing to “patrons only” and totally missed the other place where I was supposed to set it to “paid creation”. I’m in a really bad mood right now.

patreon difficulties

So one of the real problems people are having with Patreon is that it’s non-intuitive. Maybe this is partly because my project, crowdfunding a book one chapter at a time, is not actually an ideal one to run via Patreon, but there are definitely problems that go beyond that. Kickstarter is easy. Kickstarter you give $X and you get #Y in return. One shot and it’s done. Patreon sets a price-per-creation and then asks for many small donations to achieve that price-per-creation. It’s intended to cater to a totally different…

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Oh, Jay.

I was supposed to write a book with Jay Lake. Back in the day–I think, in fact, that it was the first (and somehow possibly only, but no, that can’t be right) time we met in real life, at World Fantasy in Saratoga Springs–this whole discussion about the speed with which Jay and I wrote came up. We got this idea to do some Stunt Writing: we’d get together someday and write a book together, ideally in the front window of, say, Borderlands in San Francisco, with a giant screen…

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