Recent Reads: Abandon Trilogy

I picked up ABANDON, by Meg Cabot, at the bookstore a couple months ago, and it ws the nearest handy book a few nights ago, so I foolishly started reading it at 9:30pm. I was brave, and managed to not read more than about six chapters past the one (ortwoorthree) I’d intended to when I picked it up. The Abandon Trilogy is a modern-day Persephone story, with quite a lot of clever interpretation of myth. Our heroine has had a near death experience and came out of it messed up…

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Shaman Rises teaser chapter!

Wow, it’s only about 6 weeks until SHAMAN RISES comes out! Here! Have the first chapter! (…but read NO DOMINION first! You can get it at Amazon, at Audible, and at B&N. :))

speaking of reading

Not that I was actually speaking of it, but I have faint ambitions of actually re-reading TIGANA this month (technically it was April’s book and I should be reading A SONG FOR ARBONNE this month, but, er, it didn’t work that way :)) just in case anybody wants to do my lurching read-along on that book. Ted just finished reading Marion G Harmon‘s Wearing the Cape series, which he’s enjoyed very much, so I gotta put those on my reading list. Which I should update, to keep me honest. Although…

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dynastic nonsense

I swear to god, real political dynasties are so complicated & disbelief-suspending that if you wrote them people would be like OH HOW CONVENIENT. For example, I’m reading about Joanna I of Naples. Joanna’s grandfather was the 3rd son, never intended to inherit anything, except he and his next oldest and next youngest brother got sent away to be hostages and treated brutally for 7 years just before he returned his oldest brother died and his next oldest brother who had been imprisoned with him got God in a major…

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Recent Reads: Shadows

I blew through Robin McKinley‘s SHADOWS yesterday (somewhat foolishly, actually, since after already staying up too late watching a movie I noticed the book with only 4 chapters left sitting beside me and thought “well, I’ll just finish that chapter,” and everybody knows how *that* story ends). I’ll read anything McKinley writes (although it appears I’ve failed to read PEGASUS, so I need to remedy that), though I find her books to be–not exactly hit or miss. More like more like “out of the ballpark” or “perfectly readable”. Most of…

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