Shaman Rises cover

Walker Papers: thud

Remember how two weeks ago I posted and said OMG there’s this bit in SHAMAN RISES I’d forgotten and it was like reading it for the first time? Last night doing the final edits, I hit that bit again and the same thing happened. I think I can safely say nobody’s going to see that bit coming. :) (No, it’s not that I’m losing my mind, it’s that I’d revised that section heavily and the changes haven’t settled in my mind yet, apparently. But then, there was a scene in…

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Cover for The Queen's Bastard

Inheritors’ Cycle update

Further to this post, I have some things to report about the Inheritors’ Cycle. Not irregularly, people ask me if I’ll be doing more of them. I’ve been seriously considering pursuing that, but I just got royalty statements on them, and it’s clear that unless I could be absolutely certain of getting the books into bookstores, it would be a waste of my time. THE QUEEN’S BASTARD has sold about 1800 copies in e-book and THE PRETENDER’S CROWN has sold about 1000. Assuming that at the best I’d match TPC’s…

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The Summer Tree, Guy Gavriel Kay

GGK Book Club: THE SUMMER TREE, ch 13-16

Dammit, I knew I was going to be bad at this, which was why my basic intention was to read the books all at once and set up posts ahead of time with my commentary to autopost on the appropriate days. Life, however, hasn’t been enormously accommodating in that regard (February will, I swear, be better), and obviously I haven’t been very good at getting things posted. I did finish *reading* SUMMER TREE, but oi, We’ll be starting THE WANDERING FIRE this week, with chapters 1-4 up on Tuesday. Or…

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Magic & Manners: Chapter Four

In celebration of the 201st anniversary of PRIDE & PREJUDICE’s publication, I humbly submit for your reading pleasure the fourth chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS. Yeah, okay, so I was going to do this as a crowdfund, and I got the project page all ready, and I was going to launch it last night and I had a terrible spasm of “maybe this isn’t a good idea.” So I delayed the launch, and this morning I’m more able to interpret the spasm as “push that button and this becomes work,”…

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