Ten days and 35K later, STONE’S THROE can be called a draft. It’s a god-awful mess and needs serious revision, but the draft is done and the rest can be fixed. By Wednesday. @.@ Actually, there are parts of the book I’m happy with, and it came in at the wordcount I was aiming for, so I’m okay with that. And, er, I actually find that having finished it, I’m kind of hoping for the chance to write The Further Adventures of Amelia Stone, so I guess we’ll just have…
Category: CEMurphy
a quoteable morning
It’s been a pretty quoteable morning around here. First my son and I were playing superheroes and he said to me, “Who is in that Iron Man armor?” I said, “Tony Stark, and he, quite reasonably, wanted to know who Tony Stark was. I said, “A philanthropist playboy billionaire genius.” Young Indiana said, “Like me?” Just like you, honey. Just like you. <3 :) Then over on Twitter, Alastair Reynolds (@AquilaRift), whom I like a lot as both a writer and a person, said, for some reason, that he won…
OMG, it’s Petite!
Wrong color, but O.M.G: 1969 Boss 302 found in a barn after 40 years of sitting idle. I can’t run a Kickstarter that fast, can I? I’ll pay you back if I win the lotto, I swear…!
I do not want to be writing. :p I’m pretty sure that this is more because I’ve done about 15K in the past 3 days and yet somehow I’m Still Not Done than it is about having messed the book up (often not wanting to write means I’ve done it wrong, but in this case I think my butt is just numb and is affecting my brain), but man, I don’t want to write. So part of my brain is trying to tempt me with Other Projects (“It’ll be more…
GGK Book Club: The Summer Tree, ch 1-4
Welcome to the GGK Book Club! We’ll be reading the whole of GGK’s works in publication order over the course of the year. January’s novel is THE SUMMER TREE, first of the Fionavar Tapestry, and since it’s a tidy 16 chapters, we’ll be reading (or at least discussing) 4 chapters from TST every week. A comment from me as the moderator/organizer of this project: GGK does not work for everybody as a reader. In fact, he seems to either really work or really not, so if you’re coming to these…