Recent Reads: ElfQuest: The Final Quest: Issue 1

I don’t promise I won’t do one of these for every issue, so you should probably be glad that it’s not a monthly title. OTOH, it’s the first time in a loooong time that I’m really impatient for the *next comic*, so hurrah and huzzah! So this is a 60 page prologue and it’s…wow. A lot happens in it. A *lot* happens, and I’m torn about…it’s well done. I mean, given how much they were trying to do, it’s well done. And to give them props, in 60 pages they…

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fan fiction

I should not even post this, because it is a shitstorm in the making, but OMG. Sharon Lee/ of Sharon Lee & Steve Miller is doing an open Q&A, and posts a response to a question about fan fiction over here. Fan fiction is an incredibly touchy topic, and I thought Sharon responded with an enormous amount of grace and intelligence in her explanation of why she doesn’t like or support fan fiction of their universe. I should not, of course, have read the trackback links on the blog entry.…

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Recent Reads: CAST IN SORROW

Michelle Sagara/‘s Chronicles of Elantra, more widely referred to as the Cast novels, has been an on-going favorite of mine since they launched several years ago. They’re the stories of the perpetually hungry, perpetually broke Kaylin Neya, a police officer (more or less) beleaguered by magic markings that make her life much, much more complicated than she would like it to be. There are a number of excellent supporting characters, ranging from one who happens to hit all my my favorite character trope types to an intensely quiet, complex love…

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a reader poll

This is a general post, but specifically aimed at people who don’t necessarily read fantasy books as a first choice (I know, I know, in my friends, that’s a self-selecting group, but bear with me): My publishers are looking for what we’ll call “mainstream fantasy”, or books that will appeal to the occasional, rather than the regular, fantasy reader. They’ve cited THE HUNGER GAMES and HARRY POTTER as examples (both of which are problematic, IMHO, as they’re young adult books rather than aimed at the adult market, but we’ll overlook…

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ValleyCon writeup!

First I had the Adventures in Airline Tickets, which I will not go into except to say I’ll be making an early-season batch of fudge to send off to people who, while admittedly doing nothing more than their job, did it with grace and humour and helped me immesurably. Next I got safely into Fargo, where the con-runner (Tony) awaited me along with another of the guest’s handler (Holly). While we waited for my luggage, my friend E, whom I haven’t seen in nigh unto a decade and who was…

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