Recent Reads: The Paradox Trilogy

As mentioned in last week’s post, I got Rachel Bach (Aaron)’s military sf/space opera last year on the strength of her Eli Monpress books, and, in my quest to get through my TBR shelf in order, read them this month. They’re not as easy to fall into as the Monpress books; Devi Morris, the main character, isn’t as charming or delightful as Eli Monpress. Then again, she’s not supposed to be, so frankly that speaks to Aaron’s strengths as a writer. Book one found its footing after a few chapters,…

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TBR Shelf, In Pictures

This post is like 98% for my friend Trent, who is always trying to see what books are on the shelves in the background of my other pictures, so I thought I’d help out there. :) They are not in alphabetical order, which makes me crazy, but alphabetical order would mean theY WOUld bE ALl sorts oF differeNt sizEs and apparently I deemed that as Even More Offensive than lacking alphabetical order. So I’ve got them arranged by size. O.O I may, however, read them in alphabetical order just to…

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To Be Read 2015

I am declaring 2015 to be Read Books By People I Know. Realistically I will, of course, read books by people I don’t know, so to make this work I think I’ll have to make every other book one by Somebody I Know. It may take 2 years to clear my TBR shelves of books by people I know, at that rate (and that’s assuming I don’t buy any more…), but it’d be a start. :) (oh, there’s 35 of them at the moment, not counting whichever ones I’ve missed.…

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Recent Reads: The Grand Sophy

I started reading Georgette Hayer probably because of Sarah Rees Brennan and Chrysoula Tzavelas, who are both big Regency fans. I’ve read three or four of her books now and enjoyed them all, but THE GRAND SOPHY is one of Chrysoula’s favourites, and I can entirely see why. Unlike the other Heyer books I’ve read, I actually found THE GRAND SOPHY a bit hard to get into. That all changes when Sophy herself arrives on the scene, because– –we often hear characters described as exploding onto the page, but I…

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too busy to post

I’m at that stage again where I’ve got a backlog of posts I want to write and am apparently never going to get to them so I should let it go (let it go, can’t hold me back anymore / which reminds me that yesterday Young Indiana pulled all my hair over one shoulder so I would be “like Elsa” and so this morning I said to him “should I braid my hair like Elsa’s?” and he said yes and I did and he said “That’s not like Elsa. Elsa’s…

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