Nephew: Excuse me? I have an important question. How powerful is Captain Britain? Could he beat Superman? Me, having already described the “the one who serves the story best” aspect of this kind of question and delighted to be asked: I *believe* CB’s power is drawn from the spirit of the British people, so potentially yes but probably only under certain circumstances. Nephew: Right, great, okay. How about Captain Britain against Juggernaut? Me: They’d go toe to toe. Nephew departs, totally happy ♥ :) I made Blackberry Pi on Monday,…
Category: Compulsive Hair Disorder
chd: my brain is trying to trick me
I’m suffering from a bad case of compulsive hair disorder and my brain is trying to trick me. I just saw a woman (a Topshop model, actually, featured in the image on this post) with a good layered haircut, chin-length layers around the face and blunt-cut shoulder length layers for the rest. I thought, “That looks great, I could do that!” Except I hate layers on me. I have a great deal of hair, but it’s too straight: layers end up making it look thin and limp. (Yes, I know,…
things make a post
No wonder I’m tired. I’ve walked something on the order of 30 miles in the past four days. Today I bopped out on my own for a couple of hours and stopped by SubCity, one of the local comic shops. Turns out half one on a Sunday is a great time to go hang out and chat for a while, so I spent a lovely 45 minutes or so talking with Rob, the proprietor, who’s a friend of ours. Amazing how going out and talking to people I’m not related…
compulsive hair disorder
The other day–several days ago now, on a brief shining moment of sunlight which has not been seen again, sigh–I got a look at the amount of white on my scalp. I actually have an *excellent* natural Rogue streak going on. Unfortunately, it’s the stripe of hair that falls down over my ears, rather than being at the front or even at the temples, classic Rogue style. I muttered something about this on FB–I don’t mind the white, but couldn’t it at least come in at the front, too, so…