the essential kit

things make a post

No wonder I’m tired. I’ve walked something on the order of 30 miles in the past four days. Today I bopped out on my own for a couple of hours and stopped by SubCity, one of the local comic shops. Turns out half one on a Sunday is a great time to go hang out and chat for a while, so I spent a lovely 45 minutes or so talking with Rob, the proprietor, who’s a friend of ours. Amazing how going out and talking to people I’m not related…

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the essential kit

You hearten me. :)

All you people who do follow my blog hearten me (and yes, following it on Livejournal counts. It’s the same content. :)). I’d intended to go be a bit Arty last night and go see “The Last Quartet”, except then Ted said it was okay for me to go see Iron Man 3 without him, so, uhm, I did that instead. :) It was pretty good. There was one moment that was perfect. (There were possibly more, but one stands out for me.) I shall say no more until it…

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the essential kit

another busy day

We had another busy day, which involved seeing an unexpectedly large number of friends. Importantly, I learned how to use the panorama feature on my new phone. :) I tell you what, though, it verges on bizarre to go out for a whole afternoon with other adults and not have to trade off parenting hours. For which we are *very* grateful to my mom in particular. And it was lovely to see people, particularly Ruth, to whom I had not expected to wish happy birthday in person. :) Then Ted…

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the essential kit

already confused

I got up this morning convinced it was Tuesday. That’s just not a great way to start the week. We were halfway through our morning ablutions before I realized all my plans for the day were based on activities that weren’t going to happen because it was only Monday. Agh. I got a new phone. It has the same number as the last one, so if you think I should have your phone number, send me a text with your name in it so I know who you are. :)…

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the essential kit

Black Ops

I dreamed that Paul Cornell, Oisin McGann, myself, and three other authors were part of a La Femme Nikita-style black ops team. “Oh, I’m worried,” said Ted when I told him this, but Oisin murdered and fridged one of the other team members for ordering an unauthorized steak dinner, so apparently we were not to be messed with. O.O “Your real memories are surfacing again,” Paul said, and Oisin said, “I’m hurt that you think I could fridge a team member, Catie.” I do love my friends. (My brain, I’m…

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