many days at once

I had a rather good dream that had the bones of a MG/YA thing, in which there was a (difficult to access) window that led to another time period, and in which Amanda Palmer was the rather alarming Queen of Faerie. The sort you don’t mess with. I can’t, of course, remember any details, which makes me wonder once again if one could achieve dream recollection through hypnosis… We arrived safely in America, after the excitement of discovering, the night before we left, that my US passport had expired five…

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i amn’t ded!

Just apparently either terribly busy or terribly boring. Last night we made it to the beginning of the celestial alignment in ‘Highlander: The Source’ before being unable to stand it anymore and concluding one had to be already preposterously drunk to watch that movie. For those following along at home, that’s about 7 minutes into the film. OMG, teh bad. But, Twitter assures me, in defense of the first 7 minutes, it gets much worse. Given that I was already peeking through my fingers and kicking the couch and writhing…

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So I got outbid on that fabulous 1920s style dress, as I’d expected to. I was regretful but not surprised, and started poking around at other not-quite-so-good ones. Then I got an email from a reader. She’d clicked through to see the dress, her husband had seen her looking at it, surmised that she wanted it, and bid on it for her. “But,” she said, “I didn’t want it, I was just looking at it, so would it be too weird if I just had the seller send it to…

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various & sundry

My sister is having a 1920s themed party and I am almost certain to get outbid on this fabulous dress. :) (Not that I can figure out how we can go anyway, when everyone we know is attending and it’s after Young Indiana’s bedtime, but let’s not think about that just now. :)) Last week was the 2nd Laydeez Do Comics meet-up in Dublin. It was better-attended than the first and equally interesting. I brought cookies (triple chocolate, or Chocolate Migraine) and wore my red bowler hat, the former of…

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enabler of blue suede shoes

My husband is an enabler. I wanted to stop and try on some very cute boot-style blue suede shoes that had low, walkable-in heels and which I was quite sure wouldn’t fit, because wide feet. And they brought me a pair and they weren’t wide enough, of course, and I said oh well and Ted said I should ask if they had them in wides. They were already in D widths so I figured that was as wide as they went, but I asked. And they had them in E…

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