weekend report, again

Apparently a weekend report is becoming a thing around here. Friday night I went to see City of Bones with fifteen or so close personal friends of Sarah Rees Brennan’s. I actually quite liked it, although as with Beautiful Creatures they rewrote the ending so completely that I don’t quite know how they intend to go forward, assuming they get to. But Lily Collins was good despite some laugh-out-loud clunky dialogue, and I liked the casting for almost everyone. There were several times in the film I thought “God, if…

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& that was the weekend

I keep not blogging because my life is so full of mundanity that there is no reason to blog about it. For example, Saturday’s excitement was getting up at 5:30am, a time when no one in Ireland is awake unless they’re coming at it from the other side, walking 9.5 miles and, instead of getting to spend the evening alone eating popcorn and ice cream and watching Kate & Leopold, spent it first trying and then failing to keep the child who awakened at 5:30am in bed until 10:30 when…

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still unpacking. :p

The good news is it turned out the last box on the dining room table had only diapers in it. They’ve gone into the shed, after I finished filling the box with other baby stuff I’d found in other random boxes. So that’s something. I’ve moved all the boxes of random crap out from under the dining room table and onto the new utility room shelves. About half of them are Project Boxes: 3 or 4 boxes of photos that need scanning and albuming, 4 or so boxes of perhaps-ripped-and-perhaps-not…

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weekend roundup

If we can catch up to Swan River Press this week I’ll post the first chapter of SHAMAN RISES on Friday evening. :) He’s 600 votes ahead of us and gets 100 votes a day as standard, so we’ve got a LOT of catching up to do! :)

busy busy busy

You guys have got my back. I was kind of too busy with other stuff to really plug the #LastDays project yesterday, but we still got nearly 100 votes. Aiming for 1800 today! Go go go go go! Vote for the Last Days project! A couple of friends have gotten good news recently, none of which is mine to share, but boy am I pleased for them. Seems to make everything a little better, especially since they (like so many right now) have been scrambling, and their good news will…

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