I keep finding recipes that look magnificent and discovering food sites that have all kinds of swoonable-looking meals. They’re evenly split between pure junk food and really healthy eating stuff, and I keep looking at the healthy eating stuff and wishing I would actually make these things (I’m far more likely to make the other stuff, because I love to bake, whereas I only tolerate having to cook). And then I find Thug Kitchen (warning: this guy spews profanity left right and center. It’s obviously intended to be over the…
Category: Food
I am making people cry with MOUNTAIN ECHOES. Triumph! :) People have asked, so let me say it here: the audio version will probably be out on March 1, which is the official release date. Similarly with any e-book versions you cannot currently find; they may not be out until March 1. I have absolutely no control over this, and hope you are able to find the format of your choice soon. :) The NO DOMINION sale continues through March 1, MOUNTAIN’s official release date. Get it in print or…
The 140 Character Cookbook
The other day over on Twitter, Ilona Andrews said she’d bought churizo because she’d seen a recipe she wanted to try that called for it, but now she couldn’t find the recipe so what was she supposed to do with the churizo? I said, “Sautee it in a pan. Throw in chick peas & sautee in chorizo oil until soft. Mix sour cream over it. Eat with pita. Die happy,” which she did. Without actually dying, I should note. But OMG. It’s a recipe Ted invented a few weeks ago,…
cold rise
The last couple batches of bread I’ve made, I’ve done cold rises on. The theory here is that it means not forgetting it’s rising due to Mommyhood, and therefore having it ready to go at lunch time. So I’ve made the dough in the evening to bake in the morning. First time, I did the cold rise on the first rise. It worked all right except the dough was very difficult to manipulate into the loaf pan for the second rise, ’cause it was, y’know, cold. :) One end was…
lemon curd!
I was thwarted yesterday. First the buses were badly timed/already buggified, so we ended up not going out to the farmer’s market, where I’d intended to get lemon curd from the award-winning lady who makes it. But we went downtown instead. Rats. But then! I got to go out to the market later! Hoorah! Except the lemon curd lady wasn’t there. *despair* But! I had lemons. So today I made lemon curd. It’s only the second time I’ve made lemon curd. I’m not at all confident it’ll set up (because…