Did You Miss Me? (AKA The Triumphant Return of Kitsnaps!) Seriously, it’s taken two full months to get the desktop computer set up, and I had a couple hundred photos to go through (which is kind of a lame number, since I haven’t used the camera at all this month :p), but I am finally back with Kitsnaps, and hope to return to daily posting. And I finally got a good picture of a robin. :)
Category: Photography
a useful item :)
*bemused* You know what really useful item I have here? A signed, limited edition, *still shrink-wrapped* leatherbound edition of the Starblaze Donning #Elfquest GN #3. 30 years old! I also have a not-shrinkwrapped copy of it and of #4, and 2 copies each of the softbound editions, and as usually happens when I notice these things, it’s hard to convince myself I shouldn’t go hunt down 1, 2, and the omnibus edition I saw once when I was about 12 and did not have the $150 for (of course) and…
damn & blast
I was confident the big computer would be set up by now, and have not scheduled Kitsnaps past the 1st of July. Unfortunately, I was wrong, and my tablet doesn’t have access to the Dropbox folder where the pictures are kept, so Kitsnaps is on hiatus for…this week, at least. I hope I’ll have it back up next week. Damn and blast. I hoped I could make it six months without dropping the ball, but it’s only been four. #sulk OTOH, it did strike me today that of course the…
Kitsnaps: Pearse Square, Cobh
This was taken in Belfast, but beyond that I have no idea at all where I was. Pretty, though, isn’t it? :) This was taken in the main square of Cobh, and somehow ended up in my Belfast folder, thus confusing me enormously. It did not, however, confuse Nicholas Whyte, who set me straight… :)
Kitsnaps: Blarney Butterfly
At some point I had looked up what kind of butterfly this is, but I’ve long since forgotten. These flowers, though, attract them, and there’s a whole garden area on the Blarney Castle grounds where they cultivate the flowers to draw the insects. It was wonderful fun in there with my friend Susannah, creeping after butterflies and inhaling the scent of the blooms.