The Church of St Patrick, Dundalk

Kitsnaps: St Patrick’s Church, Dundalk

“The Church of St. Patrick is a very large Roman Catholic church,” says Wikipedia. Yes. Yes it is. :) This is St Pat’s in Dundalk, up near the border, and it’s really rather ridiculously splendid. I could have spent a quite considerable amount of time trying to get some really good pictures of it, and going inside to get more, but I was travelling with a small child, which puts the kibosh on that sort of activity. I liked these ones, though. :)

Glasnevin Tower

Kitsnaps: Botanic Gardens Hailstorm

Last Friday Young Indiana and I went out to the Botanic Gardens and got caught in a rain-and-hailstorm. It was great fun, actually, and involved a lot of running from one hiding place to another, playing keep-safe games and dancing. I had my camera, having intended to pursue my self-directed photography ‘classes’ some more, although I haven’t advanced much beyond practicing shallow-depth photography. On one hand that’s fine, because as it happens I Really Love shallow depth photography and I’m chuffed I’ve re-learned how to do it reliably. On the…

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great photo archive project

I thought maybe I’d tackle the Great Photo Archiving Project again and took out the box of photos I’d weeded down from literally thousands to…well, probably still over a thousand, really, but no longer three or five thousand. However, I have been pretty much instantly defeated by realising this is a job that basically requires having every photo album I’ve got opened on a table in front of me so I can figure out quickly where to rough-sort the pictures. I mean, they’re rough-sorted already, but unless I actually have…

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re-learning photography

I’ve said before that there’s an alternate universe pretty close to this one where I’m a professional photographer instead of writer. Back in the day I was good enough to get a scholarship for photography, but I only pursued it half-heartedly, and after a while digital cameras started doing all the work for me and I forgot what I’d learned. I do manual photography as a kind of crap shoot (ahahah) anymore, without any real sense of how the light or depth of field is going to work. I can…

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three things make a post?

I would like to thank Stephen Amell and the dude in the tinfoil hat for making this happen. #laughs People around here are healing. Ted braved work today and Young Indiana went to school. I wrote 3000 words, which was kind of unexpected. I’ll actually have new MAGIC & MANNERS chapters to post for people this week! Pretty exciting stuff. :) I…don’t know anything else interesting. Oh wait! Here’s a picture of a bird. :) We found this bird house at the zoo the other day, a place we’d never…

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