I particularly like this picture of the cousins together at the zoo a few weeks ago. Not so much because it’s Art as because what a bunch of cuties. :)
Category: Snapshots
Croke Park Sunrise
This was the sunrise out the front window this morning. There’s a knack to sun photography that I haven’t got (due to utter lack of looking up how to do it followed by practice) but I thought this captured the colors pretty well. And I should probably save it for a later Kitsnaps kind of post, but I thought it was pretty enough to show you right now. :) In other news, well, it’s 9am. I have no other news yet. :)
lemon curd!
I was thwarted yesterday. First the buses were badly timed/already buggified, so we ended up not going out to the farmer’s market, where I’d intended to get lemon curd from the award-winning lady who makes it. But we went downtown instead. Rats. But then! I got to go out to the market later! Hoorah! Except the lemon curd lady wasn’t there. *despair* But! I had lemons. So today I made lemon curd. It’s only the second time I’ve made lemon curd. I’m not at all confident it’ll set up (because…
Chicken Stewp
I had a chicken carcass, and I thought making a big pot of chicken stewp sounded like a good idea. I was right. :) The recipe as follows: 1 roast chicken carcass, steamed & stripped all attendant juices & fat from both roasting & steaming (or chicken stock), up to 4 cups 1/3 c flour 1 c onion, chopped 1-2 c carrots, chopped 2 (or whatever) c chicken 1 tsp each of: – sage – garlic – basil – parsley – salt 1 c sweetcorn 3 c chopped potatoes 1…