No Aberdeenphonecall yet. I have a suspicion that she may not arrive until 7pm or so. However, having finished work for the day and having no Deen on hand to entertain, I went and wrote 1500 words, putting my total at slightly more than 42.7K. I may go write some more in a few minutes here, but first I, er, am going to hang out, or something. :)
Category: Uncategorized
magically refilled brain!
Wow! Magically refilled brain! I want to write again! See what a few measly hours of sleep and a mere 1000 words in a night will do? (Measly and mere are my words for the week, apparently.) I’m positively starving this morning.
A little less than a thousand words written. Finished chapter 28, and am at 41.2K words. Part of my mind is going, “45K is just around the corner!” but mostly I don’t think I want to write anymore tonight. I might write another chapter… but probably not. Silkie reads a lot faster than I write. O.O
I am going *away* from the computer. I’m going to eat dinner and go to the comic shop, and I’ll come back when I’m done with ch. 28. :P
I don’t feel good. I’m tired, I’m grumpy, my tummy is upset (I really need to start eating better; pizza for dinner last night was just plain stupid), I’m bored, I don’t want to write, I don’t want to work, I’m tired of the dog romping around, I’m just generally pissy. *sigh*