Instead of getting anything done at *all* last night, we went over to my parents’ house and had dinner with Deirdre and Gavin and Mom and Dad. Deirdre and Gavin made ‘pasta with red sauce’, which was very good, and then it was suddenly after 10pm and by the time we got home it was bed time. I’m going to just have to force myself to get out of bed at 6 tomorrow. I don’t think there’s any other way I’m going to successfully rearrange my sleep schedule, which has…
Category: Uncategorized
Go, me. I got my 401k set up again, which ought to look pretty much like hemmoraging money come the first paycheck in July, but at least it’s a savings account of some sort. Now I have to go try to make the website choke up how much of a percentage my company will match, since none of the paperwork says.
thinks to do
Thinks To Do for Monday: 1. Write Tony’s cover letter, since I haven’t yet 2. Write a CS synopsis, since “” “” “” 3. Bike 10 miles. 4. Vaccum the bedroom
AAAAAAH! Ben proposed to Laura last Thursday! AAAAAH! While they were out camping. *laugh* He’d apparently been going to do it in Alaska, except the ring didn’t get there in time for him to bring it with him, I guess. :) AAAAH! Hee hee hee! Congratulations to them! Hee hee hee!
Oh, there /was/ an earthquake this morning, then. I felt it, but I couldn’t decide if it was really an earthquake, or if it was just the cats jumping around on the bed. I thought it was probably an earthquake, but I apparently wasn’t awake enough to be able to bring myself to care much. :) Ok, time to call my cousin Noël, who is either staying with us for Deirdre’s wedding, or who is not, depending on whether she thinks her allergie and the three animals are going to…