…nevermind. I’ll write about it tomorrow. Sleep now. *thud*


Well! We were going to go to the store to buy some chocolate chips and some tortillas, but instead, the starter in our car choked and died and we no longer have a functioning vehicle. We think we’re going to borrow my Mommy’s car and go car shopping. The starter was replaced 11 months ago. This is not cool. :P

that was nice

In an attempt to shake off a grim mood, I went for a 2.something (.3? .5?) mile walk, out to Earthquake Park and then a little further. It was very pleasant, although wow, do I feel vacant now. I suspect it would have been a magnitude of order better if I’d had a dog and hiking boots. Especially hiking boots. None-the-less, it was very nice. It certainly did not, however . . . I have no idea what I was going to say after ‘however’.


bfe: oatmeal, very small amount of icky oj. pork egg roll, chicken-fried rice, milk, ice cream (vanilla w/chocolate sauce). Chocolate brownie ice cream.


Me mumbly is back from Juneau, where she went to the PFD Boardroom dedication ceremony wherein they named the PFD Boardroom after Hughie. She said it was pretty nice, overall, and they allowed the Governor to attend; Mom said that even his speech was quite nice, and he didn’t insinuate in any fashion that he and Hughie had been best buddies, or anything else that would have pissed the family off. Although apparently my cousin Alanna wasn’t cutting the governor any slack, and didn’t like his speech at all. :)…

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