guest blogging!

I’m guest blogging over at Drey’s Library today (and off and on all month!). Pop on over for a chance to win a copy of TRUTHSEEKER! I got some excellent work-related news I didn’t know I wanted today. This pleases me enormously. :) *laughs* People are reporting receiving and having read TRUTHSEEKER already. It takes so much less time to read them than to write them! *amused despair* Oh! Oh! (Free) cool things going on soon! There’s a neighborhood arts festival going on for the next week! And a sports…

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Truthseeker Day!

Today is the official release date for TRUTHSEEKER! It is my fifteenth published novel. o.O Go forth to yonder bookstores and see if you can find it! Buy a copy! Buy many copies, so that there will be sixteenth and seventeenth and so on published novels*! :) ACROSS TWO EXTRAORDINARY WORLDS, TRUTH IS THE DEADLIEST MAGIC Gifted with an uncanny intuition, Lara Jansen nonetheless thinks there is nothing particularly special about her. All that changes when a handsome but mysterious man enters her quiet Boston tailor shop and reveals himself…

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existentially important question

And lo, so came the day when she faced the question that in time must come to all who walk these halls: What should I do with the signed & personalized books I don’t expect to re-read? I’ve gotten very hard-hearted about keeping books, because they take up so much space and are so much of a pain to move, and because I don’t read, much less re-read, very much anymore. (*snivel* Also, this is why I want an e-reader.) But the question of signed copies, well. That becomes a…

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I’m reviewing the situation.

My big accomplishment for the day was getting the living room clean. Apparently I’m feeling fairly strongly that this house is ours to do with as we wish, because I keep staring around it thinking about ripping up the carpet and either putting something newer and brighter down, or seeing what kind of condition the floor boards beneath are in, and maybe doing something with them. I suspect they’re a disaster, though. And I want to repaint that room. But given that it seemed like it took all my wherewithal…

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Tardis Hack

Mostly for : MIT TARDIS hack and (significantly more awesome photos): more TARDIS hack Hat-tip to . :)