many thinks to do

Couldn’t get comfortable enough to write on the train yesterday, so I haven’t reached 70K on the book, but that’s okay. We had an utterly splendid weekend in Cork and are very glad indeed to have gone. I will no doubt be posting fairly regular reminders over the course of the month about the “Hot Time” sale, but if any of my myriad friends and … well, I was going to say “coworkers”, except my life generally doesn’t work that way, so my myriad friends, then! If any of you…

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“Hot Time” novella for sale!

Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight a story of the Old Races “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” was and is an experiment in direct-market story sales and sustainable income models for writers. Commissioned in June 2009 by some fifty contributors, the planned 7500 word short story grew to a 23,000 word novella centered around Janx and Daisani, two of the most popular characters from my Negotiator Trilogy. It’s also a sequel to the online short story Five Card Draw, and part of a longer sequence of planned…

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pretty busy month

I have written just a smidge under 40K in January, and when I say “just a smidge” I mean “100 words”. If I was feeling slightly more ambitious I’d probably write another hundred, except if I did that the chapter would be at about 1750 words and then I’d have to write it up to 2000. I’m not that ambitious. :) I have also copyedited two books and done half the galleys on one of them too. It’s been a pretty busy month. WAYFINDER (the novel formerly known as WORLDBREAKER)…

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oh, hrm

I just realized Monday is the first of February, and therefore the day the second chance to buy “Hot Time” is supposed to launch. I don’t know how to make a Paypal button that hooks up to an instant download. Does one have to be a merchant type on Paypal to do that? (Because if one does, I’m going to have to just set it up as a donate button and manually email everybody who buys a copy of the story their copy, because paying for the merchant services seems…

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mighty metrics

Ted and I got a pretty early start today, so we had a wander around the University Cork campus, which is lovely, before we went our separate ways, himself to game and myself to write. I even took the scenic route into the city centre and walked through the Saturday market, and was still sitting down to write by about 11am. Somewhere in my head I thought it was Friday, so I was kind of surprised at all the people coming through the cafe, but I stayed put for the…

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