I’ve taken most of the last ten days off. I don’t remember a vacation in which I’ve done, or thought, so little about work in the past two years. It hasn’t exactly ignited a passion for work in me again, but the idea doesn’t seem entirely unbearable, which is good. Unexpectedly got started on the RUNNING WITH THE PACK werewolf story yesterday. I believe it’s going to be a Regency tale of love and revenge. With werewolves. In 7000 words or less. o.o Got the second set of revision notes…
Category: Uncategorized
a few last things of awesome
I know I’ve fallen down on my Awesome Stuff postings, but I’ve barely been online the past couple days (the intarwebs, they are growing increasingly dull…). So here are a few last awesome things to wrap up the week with: The Uncanny X-Men relationship map. Carl and Bryant pointed this out to me recently. My only objection is I feel they’ve overlooked a one-sided infatuation line from every male in the Marvel universe (excepting Nate Grey & Cable) to Jean Grey. Possibly my favorite aspect: they have a specific color…
short list of awesome
If I myself were more awesome, I would have more awesome lists today, but instead I’m sleepy and have only two. :) Ben & Jerry support Vermont’s new gay marriage law by renaming “Chubby Hubby” ice cream to “Hubby Hubby”. :) The BBC publishes photos of newly-discovered deep-water jellyfish. And aw, heck, just for a third, have you checked out National Geographic lately?
awesome & yet self-aggrandizing
Today’s awesome things are all about me (I swear this wasn’t the plan when I started this on Sunday). :) First, today is the official release day for WALKING DEAD, book four of the Walker Papers! As far as I can tell, everybody I know bought it two weeks ago, but still, today is the official release day! Seattle’s a great place to live…if it weren’t for the undead. For once, Joanne Walker’s not out to save the world. She’s come to terms with the host of shamanic powers she’s…
Note to “Hot Time” patrons:
I’ve just sent “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” to the patron mailing list. There are, however, still several people whose emails are listed as “unverified” on the mailing list, and I know at least a few of those people didn’t receive earlier messages from the list. The group seems to have a particular, although not exclusive, dislike of hotmail and yahoo addresses, so if you have one of those as your Paypal address (because that’s the address I’ve used for you) and haven’t gotten “Hot Time” in your…