Here’s the really, really, really important part: Gambit didn’t suck! Also, stay through the credits.
Category: Uncategorized
nibs & nobs
If it were not for the word wars, I *know* I wouldn’t have gotten my chapter done today, and I got the impression several other people wouldn’t have written much, either. But about seven people showed up despite this general malaise, so I’m really delighted by that. The wars are working! :) The inestimable Judith Tarr is commissioning original short stories, mentoring opportunities, and perhaps even a commissioned novel, so if there’s a world of hers you’d like to revisit, or if you’re an aspiring writer who would like advice…
Today, my good people, is Release Day! THE PRETENDER’S CROWN, Book Two of the Inheritors’ Cycle, is on the shelves! I’ve written a bit about it here, at (Random House’s sf/f website, where I’ll be posting weekly in the future), and now I come to do the dance of joy at my own website. :) This is 8th C.E. Murphy book since June 2005 (10th if you count the anthologies), and my 13th published work in that same time frame. It puts me very, *very* close to the absolute…
I have been blessed with excellent teachers in my life, one of whom is Pat Dixon, my high school photography teacher. I’d always liked photography, but his classes were inspiring to me, as was he. As he still is, as a matter of fact. I’ve been idly working on getting prints up over at Deviant Art (though frankly if you want to buy some you should go through me and not them; it’s cheaper and, er, I get a much bigger cut… :)), and, as frequently happens when I’m working…
1217 things to do
Things are getting out of hand. Somehow about 1217 things to do have piled up and I’m having a hard time remembering them all, much less doing them. I’m considering not writing this morning and just doing the word wars this afternoon, so I have time to get some of this crap done. :p – do pilates – email dixon – email house lady – magical words posting – work on arts council app – answer interview questions – get the auction stuff together – see if i can get…