Writer Meme

* Age when I decided I wanted to be a writer: I genuinely have no recollection of *not* intending to be a writer. I was six the first time I got published (in a school anthology). * Age when I “wrote” my first story: Certainly not more than 8 or 9 when I first tackled something that was meant to be large-scale. * Age when I got my hands on a typewriter: I learned to type properly on a typewriter when I was in 4th grade, so I was…*counts on…

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it’s aaaaaaaaliiiiiiiive!

Rejoining the world of the bloggers after a very pleasant and almost entirely off-line weekend. We had a lovely time with /Kate, and we all ate a truly tremendous amount of turkey, stuffing, and pie (they don’t have canned pumpkin here, so we ended up finding some fresh pumpkin puree, and Mom made the best pumpkin pie that any of us had ever had–and I’ve rarely met a pumpkin pie I didn’t like. Wow. No going back, now!), and lay around being comatose and content. :) Ted made homemade rolls…

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bits and bobs

Ted went Christmas shopping in Dublin yesterday, where he says he did not find anything at all that he was looking for for me. On the other hand, he did find the man who sells honey-roasted pecans and cashews and cinnamon-and-sugar-soaked dried apple slices, and this is probably worth the price of admission. Except, of course, the danger of knowing where that shop *is*, now…. :) We are not, at this house, in a turkey stupor, because we’re not holding Thanksgiving until tomorrow (when our ONE IRISH FRIEND WHO *LOVES*…

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*pinches bridge of nose*

It is my most sincere and bordering on desperate hope that there is either a second hard drive with more of my stuff on it, or that my photographs have been saved to the Big Storage Drive, because otherwise with the exception of about six (granted, very good) photographs, I have lost the original kitsnaps files during one of the computer failures of the past year. It’s extremely likely they’ve been saved on the BSD. I vaguely remember Ted saying something about copying the photography to that drive. I am…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

If you’ve got a couple dollars to spare, help a family keep their home. There’s probably no way to officially keep track, but if you donate money and want to send me a private email telling me how much you’ve donated, I’ll send my latest book or a book of your choice or a comic or … something … (fudge?) to the highest donor off my friends list. My email is cemurphyauthor@gmail.com, and if you put, uh, “home donation” in the subject line then I’ll be able to keep track…

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