I’m off.

Off to South Carolina. No idea what my access will be like, so I may be radio silent for the next week or so. Try to be brave while I’m gone. :)

101 jillion things to do

I don’t like traveling. I don’t like the *preparations* for traveling, particularly. I like being places. I just don’t like everything it takes to get there. I always feel like I have 12,000 million billion things to do RIGHT NOW before I leave. I’ve gotten better about early organizing in the last couple of years (mostly to try and spare Ted, who takes the brunt of my ill humor if I’m insufficiently prepared), but it’s all a major PITA anyway. So today is the List Of A Hundred Jillion Things…

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if I had been smart…

If I’d been smart, I’d have taken the “a few more loose ends to tie up” secondary revision letter from Betsy as a sign that I should work, and not go to Octocon this weekend. I’m glad I *did* go, you understand; it was a pleasant weekend and I got to hang out with people I like, but unquestionably in terms of Getting Stuff Done it was not the smart choice. On the positive side, the revisions are *extremely* minor and shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours at…

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writing: show v. tell

I’ve been working on critiques all week. Critiques and I are an interesting clash. I kind of like doing them, but–with exceptions like this, when I’m doing it for the South Carolina Writers’ Workshop at which I’ll be teaching next week–I rarely make time to, even if I say I will. I am not a good critique partner in that sense. At all. And I know it, so I don’t volunteer, or ask people to critique my work, because I know I won’t get around to returning the favor. On…

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/Kate Elliott has opened her blog up to questions from the audience. One of the questions asked was did anyone ever discourage you to start/continue writing?, which she turned back around to the readers after she answered it herself. My response got, um, too long for comments, so I’m just bringing it up over here. The short answer: no, no one ever discouraged me. The long answer I’ll put behind the cut. :)