I’ve just figured out why I feel like I’m slogging so very, very badly on this book. Realistically, I’m not: I’ve broken 500 pages, and a week ago I…ok, it was two weeks, that kind of sucks, oh well, but anyway, I was at 400 pages two weeks ago, and that’s not a bad rate of work. It’s not as awesome as I’d like it to be, but then, I was brainless-sick for four days, too, and lost another couple struggling with how to fix a scene. But anyway, that’s…
Category: Uncategorized
My editor at Del Rey sent a couple copies of THE QUEEN’S BASTARD ahead of the contracted author copies so that I could see them soonest. Oh my god. This is a beautiful, beautiful, *beautiful* book. Ted, in awe, said, “This is *hot*,” and it *is*. I cannot *wait* for this to go on the shelves so people can get it, because oh my GOD it’s gorgeous. I ran around the house shrieking and doing the beauty queen thing and being all tearful. It’s *so* pretty. And it’s the mark…
After a very frustrating day of sitting there doing nothing, as related on Magical Words, I managed to shake off some of my stupor and get 2200 words written. I finished this wretched chapter, which more or less shoves everybody into at least the same geographical area, and leaves me with nothing more to do than juggle fifty thousands words of politics against the backdrop of what is effectively a world war. I need my head checked. ytd wordcount: 140,600
not a productive day
I’m feeling better, but today’s productivity was limited to re-reading the last 75 or 100 pages I’ve written, as apparently three days off with a head cold threw me further out of the story than I might’ve hoped. On the positive side, either the book hangs together so far or I’m too close to it to see what an utter and miserable failure it is, so I’ll take what I get. I’m not really quite well yet, and I think it’s still affecting my brain. :p Email from my edit…damn.…
I’m sick. What a relief.
It appears yesterday’s utter exhaustion and inability to think stemmed from the onset of a head cold, rather than me having drained my brain so utterly as to be unable to function. That’s actually a relief: it usually takes me more than 2 intense writing days to wipe myself out, and I was seriously worried about that. On the flip side, though, I’m still utterly wiped out (as it did yesterday, taking a shower exhausted me this morning) and in no condition to get work done today. I’m in the…