Online conversation with a friend just now: P says “I want to tell you this story.” P says “So I’m in Borders, just browsing.” P says “Nice guy comes up to me (who works there) and asks if I need any help.” P says “I say, yes, as I’m in the F&SF section, does he have a recommendation for something good.” P says “He asks what genre. I say something alternative, contemp or near contemp, with magic.” P says “He immediately grabs Heart of Stone and says, ‘Read this.’” P…
Category: Uncategorized
HOUSE OF CARDS giveaway!
The time hath arrived! I shall announce with grandeur and splendour and a couple of other -eur-sounding-words who the lucky winners of HOUSE OF CARDS are! In no particular order: suzannemcleod, because her surname makes me mumble, “I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod,” when I see it, but also because she offered to donate 2x the cover price to the WWF and switch off for Earth Hour, which is an excellent way to my save-the-world heart; bellinghman, for inadvertently explaining to me why it is I’ve always thought…
I do not want to work today, said little Peggy Ann McKay
Feeling quite sullen about the whole prospect of working today. Slogged out three or four hundred words that seemed, as did the rest of the scene, all wrong, and in a fit of despondency went to see what the stupid synopsis said about this general scene. It said, not quite in these words, “Actually, Catie, you’re pretty much on the right track here. You do need to go back and add in another supporting scene after X but before Y (besides the two or three other supporting scenes that need…
critical thinks
Man, yesterday was a lot more frantic than I expected it to be. Writing was interrupted (after, thank goodness, I’d reached my minimum quota) by the arrival! of! Books! Yay! Books! Also, five minutes later, Justin Gustainis‘ BLACK MAGIC WOMAN (which has a cover dismayingly similar to HOUSE OF CARDS, actually) arrived for me to read for possible blurbage, and I had to set it aside because otherwise there would be doom (it looks awfully good. It looks like an idea I wish I’d thought of.). Eventually I staggered out…
natter natter natter SQUEE!
Is it just me, or does nothing happen when you go plug numbers into the Zokutou word counter these days? Last year a World Wildlife Fund event called Earth Hour got Sydney, Australia to turn out many, if not all, of its lights for an hour at 8pm on March 31st, to “to deliver a message about the need for action on global warming.” This year, Earth Hour is going global on March 29, and invites everybody to turn off the lights for an hour at 8pm local time around…