It’s Monday, and I am deeply confused by that. Partly ’cause Ted took yesterday off, partly ’cause the US is on holiday today, and partly ’cause it’s hard to tell what day of the week it is anyway. I need to go write, but I’m all feeling like, hey, I’m having a weekend! Yay me! No work for me! But, well, we all know that won’t do, will it. Yesterday was an absolutely lovely day (except for the hour spent stomping around Cork trying to find coconut). The red beans…
Category: Uncategorized
things i haven’t yet done
Things I did not do yesterday and am fairly unlikely to do today, plus, perhaps, a few other things: – thumbnail issue 4, p1 – email Ardian with notes – get a much better surge protector – read the s&3 – get a beatsheet for chance #6 written In honor of Ted Day, I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Yommy. Ted is making red beans and rice for dinner. *tuds of anticipatory joy* And I shall make a german chocolate cake, which is Ted’s favorite kind of cake. Mom and…
continuing the thinks to do list
Today’s not really a day off (tomorrow might be, as it’s Ted’s birthday), but at some point pretty soon here (very soon) I’m going to have to turn my focus to doing something other than writing. I mean, I’m really only writing 1-2 hours a day, so there’s obviously time to do other things, but I have not had a comprehensive list of things that need doing, and without that everything just goes *fwoosh* and time slips away. Annoying, that. Got to start getting up earlier. I mean, I will…
Too many things to do to keep in my head, so I’d better write them down. Sigh. – borrow Ted’s brain for plotting – read the s&3 – get a beatsheet for chance #6 written …I can’t even think of other thinks I need to do. And now Dwan’s got me singing “Don’t go chasing waterfalls” so I’m infecting all of YOU TOO AHAHAHAHA o.o miles to Minas Tirith: 41.7
up and running
New computer is up and running, thanks be to Myles for providing it and Ted for doing the heavy lifting. Don’t have the files moved over from the old hard drive yet, but I’ve got the important things installed: City of Heroes, and SimpleMU*. :) I have managed a whacking 1011 words today, which is not exactly covering myself in glory, although at least it made the 1K wordcount. Still, I don’t think I’m going to do more, as this was a morning when I found myself cleaning the kitchen…