Took an oblique look at the proposal revisions (you know, with my eyes mostly closed, so I didn’t have to see all those nasty comments*), did dishes, and partway through the dishes came up with the opening line for the revisions. So I got an extra 600 words written tonight, which makes me really happy. I am going to go to bed now, at a far more sensible hour than I have gone the last several nights, and attempt to *sleep*, which beloved state has been escaping me for many…
Category: Uncategorized
Chance winner!
Neal Levin won the printout copy of TAKE A CHANCE. Send me your address, Neal. :) I’ve gotten the first set of character sketches back from one of the artists I asked for some sample work from. He took a (!) chance and did a few variant costumes as well as a couple sets of sketches from Chance’s traditional costume. They all look pretty awesome, with one variant that I wish I’d come up with myself. :) There is nothing quite like getting drawings of your characters from talented people.…
I am utterly flipping knackered. Most of the things on my thinks to do list today have been completed. The one that was bolded and written in terse sentence fractions, of course, is not. I have answered about thirty emails, most of them saying something to the effect of, “Thank you for applying, but no,” which is a bit draining in and of itself (I cannot imagine doing that 8000 times a year, as arcaedia does). …oh. *Dude*. I was sure I had to go 388 miles to get to…
thinks to do: – write 1000 words – print & send contracts – email script to ardian – check page #’s to do thumbnail sketches for » Issue 2, p 5, 10; Issue 3, p18; Issue 4, p7…gosh, he doesn’t make many mistakes… – do thumbnail sketches – try to find out about arts grants – answer jason’s email – answer matt’s email – finish. the damned. pretender’s crown. proposal. – newsletter – other things I’m no doubt forgetting, sigh I have written out a high-level schedule for the…
It has been a very busy couple of days here. @.@ First off, *thank* you to everybody who offered congratulations on the Chance deal. I’m pretty much over the moon and full of squee and also OH MY GOD HAVE I GOT A LOT TO DO AAAAGH. One of the priorities on that menu is “find a new artist”. I’ve posted the following ad in a handful of places; if you know sequential artists, please do send them my way, at least to take a look at the ad: WORK…