keep me out of the kitchen.

We bought a cute little pork roast to make for dinner. I put it in the oven in a glass pan and roasted it up. After I took it out, I realized I’d completely forgotten to SEASON it. *sigh* The potatoes turned out to be what the Irish call “floury”, and began to dissolve in the boiling water. I had a couple of granny smith apples. I made applesauce with them. I burned it. Each of these things finished at a completely different time, and because the applesauce pan had…

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questions from the peanut gallery

Someone asked if I had any plans to finish CENTENARIAN and when it would be published. Yes, I do plan to finish it sometime (that would be one of the projects I’d *like* to do, but have no idea if I *will* do in 2008). I do not have a publisher for it, nor will I search for one until after the book is done*, because I am not going to commit myself to more than 2 contracted novels a year ever again**. However, when I do write more on…

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one project down…

Ok, Chance #5 is finished. This is good, because it’s the last issue Ardian’s going to be able to draw, due to him having gone off and gotten a real job with the Dabel Brothers. I wanted to be able to finish the storyline with his artwork, so I ended up changing the end of the story (which needed to be changed because the story itself had strayed quite a distance from the synopsis) so it would fit into the last issue. I think it worked out better this way,…

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Snurched from : In 2008, mizkit resolves to… Pay for my quotes on time.Overcome my secret fear of mars.Cut down on my baking.Admit my true feelings to silkiemom.Lose ten mermaids by March.Connect with my inner x-men. Get your own New Year’s Resolutions:

Merry Christmas from a Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wretch

Originally written for Speculation Press’s Mrs. O’Leary’s Boardinghouse anthology, which never happened. The premise of the anthology was that in turn-of-the-century Chicago, Mrs. O’Leary discovered that aliens (the sort from outer space) tended to pay their boarding fees more promptly than human boarders, and also in gold. This, then, is a story of one of Mrs. O’Leary’s boarders…