existential angst

I called my folks to see what was up, since they don’t have net access right now. The line got hung up, and Dad, on his end, said, “Are you there?” and I wasn’t! I, on my end, said, “Am I here?” And I wasn’t! I said that to Dad when we reconnected, and he started laughing, and then I heard how it sounded, and I started laughing. *laughs more* I seem to be back now, just in case anyone was concerned. :)

numbers game

time awakened: 5am words written: 5500 landmark reached: 275 pages landmark reached: 50%! miles walked: 5 cookies made: 48 Lots of 5s today! And, um, one 48, well, I like to shake things up, what can I say. :) Given that three days ago I had not yet reached 200 pages on this manuscript, I’m pretty pleased with this output. Possibly the Very Best Part is that I’ve reached the point where I have two and a half chapters I can revise and stick back in from the previous draft,…

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writing & yoga

Bringing this up out of comments, ’cause…well, *someone* might be interested… :) said, “I still don’t see how you crank out so much writing in a day.” Although I suspect this was not actually intended as a literal comment, I took it that way, and replied (with some modification and expansion for the purposes of posting on the front page): Well, when I’m doing it like this, quite literally *how* I do it is to get up, go straight to the writing computer (which has no net access) and write…

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yoga & writing

There’s a (free) yoga fundamentals class tonight at 7pm. I have it on my list of thinks to do. The question: will I actually nerve myself up to go? *at least goes so far as to look the location up on the map* Oh, jeez. I can’t even use “I’m not sure where it is” as an excuse, as it’s pretty much a straight shot from here. Well, one half-block jog to the left, but straight on til morning after that. I should probably go. I don’t know why going…

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that’s better.

Well, I don’t know if two days completely off was just really what I needed, or if I got up this morning wearing my “quit fuckin’ around already” hat, but either way, I got 7500 words written today. …apparently that’s really all I’ve got to say. I’m going for a walk this evening, and then I’m going to read or watch tv and probably go to bed early, since I got up earlier than usual to work. ytd wordcount: 163,100 miles to Minas Tirith: 272