Ok, today’s thinks to do: – clean bathroom – work on TQB map – do page 1 rough sketch for Chance #4 – work on TPC proposal – work on Chance #5 – HoF AFS – get ready to submit Chance – call FNBA – call estate agent again – empty garbage, kitty litter – gym membership (Friday) Why is this list not getting any *shorter*?


Well, as far as *I’m* concerned, JK got it exactly right. *beams*

So early, and yet so chatty!

Possibly the Best Fanmail Evar: I was in line at Borders Bookstore, waiting with the horde for the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” I decided to buy a book to read as I waited… [and] “Urban Shaman” called to me. I got though the first 4 chapters before I had to stop to complete the original task. I was hooked!! I had the latest Potter and “Urban Shaman” at home the next day. I started Potter, put it down after about 150 pages, picked up your book…

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THE QUEEN’S BASTARD is officially done. It’s 580 pages long, which is well and away the longest book I’ve ever written. I wrote a paragraph today that I am totally, completely, utterly happy with. It does everything I want it to. I think it’s elegant. It’s got a little of that GGK chocolatey doom feel to it. And no, I won’t quote it here, because it would more or less spoil the whole book. But I’m very happy with it. :) And there we go. It’s submitted. Bwah! :) (Holy…

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All right. I’ve gotten through chapter fourteen, leaving me four to do, and while I suspect I could do another one tonight, it would probably be better for the book if I didn’t. There are things I want to address that my editor did *not* make note of, and at this point it’d be much easier to just let those things go, and I don’t want to do that. If I stop now with any luck tomorrow morning I’ll feel more like tackling them, and the entire end of the…

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