better than whacking myself on the big toe with a hammer

Forty pages. I can manage about forty pages of AAs at a time, and then my brain just goes numb. And I have read this book so freaking many times that sometimes I can’t tell if a bad turn of phrase is me or the copy editor. Sometimes it’s clearly me. Others, like when the word “husky” unexpectedly appeared to describe what I am sure was originally a dropping voice, are clearly the CE. The cases in which I as a writer would use the word ‘husky’ are far and…

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I need an idea for a new comic book that I can put together a few pages for for this contest and win. :) I mean, I’ve got the team for it, no question. But I’m too attached to Chance. While I know that most work in the comics industry is work for hire, I’m coming from the book industry and the idea of handing over my rights wholesale makes my head spin. So I need something I’m less emotionally attached to. Unfortunately, right now I got nothin’ and the…

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thinks to do

thinks to do this weekend: – clean the downstairs bathroom (postponed) – do the HEART OF STONE AAs: –> pages 1-125 –> pages 126-250 –> pages 251-375 –> pages 376-500 – clean our bathroom (postponed) – swim on Saturday – get Petite to 31st level (postponed but maybe anyway) – arrange an anniversary getaway – go look at a house – get Chance together for submissions – swim on Sunday (not going to happen) That should be enough. eta: Or I could remember that I’m meeting for something like tea…

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Eight Things meme

Okay, tagged me for this meme (because he knew I needed a distraction from the revisions *laugh*). had sort of done so already, and I was thinking of doing it, so okay, I’ve been tagged, I’ll play along. The rules are: – Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. – People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. – At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.…

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Progress is progressing! I’ve revised most of two chapters this morning (and it’s only 10:15!)! Unfortunately, there’s an entire chapter between the two that’s totally unwritten, and I have to figure out what happens in it. There should be…a fight. And a Threat. Except it’s hard to see the threat being made in front of one of the two viewpo…well, no, nevermind, I can do it, because … yeah. Okay. Got it. Thanks for your help, LJ-land. :)