Wow. I just got a series of pops out of my back which, in a different society, could have been considered profound enough to start a small but heartfelt religion on. That’s all. :) miles to Minas Tirith: 88 ytd wordcount: 66,900 sekrit number: 2.5
Category: Uncategorized
soooo sleeeepy
The thing I miss most about wearing contacts is the cold splash in the eyes first thing in the morning. About a decade ago an eye doctor told me I was wearing my contacts too much and that I was starting to grow extra blood vessels in my eyes and that I needed to stop wearing them so much. About six or seven years ago, I stopped wearing them so much (never let it be said I like to be told what to do) and while I still dislike wearing…
The Old Man
On a sufficiently different note from the last entry I thought it warranted its own, Mom reminded me that today would have been my grandfather’s 100th birthday. He was a poet and a writer and a terrible old grump, and believed that the best way to get to know somebody was to get into an argument with him. He lived with us my whole life, so a person learned to defend an argument pretty early in my house. :) He emigrated from County Tyrone in 1927, two months after he…
big ship!
The first big ship of the season, the Constellation, was in Cobh today, and there must’ve been three or four hundred people who turned out to see it off, all of them spread all the way up and down the town’s waterfront. I’d been meaning to check to see when it’d be in, to see if there was any fuss about seeing it off, but only saw it out of pure chance, so I was totally ridiculously happy to catch it. And there was fuss, with a band playing and…
and this, my friends…
…this is the sound of the author slamming into a brick wall. Me, I have to do significant edits on paper. I’ve been able to add a couple scenes in, tighten up a bunch of writing, relatively minor stuff of that ilk, on screen, and I hadn’t really thought about having to take the printout and start really marking it up now that I have a clearer idea of what I’m doing with the story. I got through chapter 5 that way, and midway through chapter 6 went WHAM: too…