aaaaaaand we’re back

the writing retreat blog This is my Writing Retreat Wake-Up Blog, because I have deliberately not asked my host for her intarweb connection information, so I cannot go through my usual morning process of checking FB,LJ, Twitter, and email and must do something to warm my fingers up. Or my brain. There’s apparently a dance club somewhere beneath my host’s apartment. It didn’t keep me awake, but it did spill a number of talkative men outside my window at 4am, where they remained until 7am, which is when I needed…

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writing retreat

Just hit 50K on MOUNTAIN ECHOES, the 8th Walker Papers novel. I’m now heading out for a long weekend writing retreat. Post your guess as to my total wordcount by Monday evening, and I’ll send a book to the closest guess!

Spirit of the Century & ME!

So loads of you know that my friends, Evil Hat Productions (the good people who brought you the Dresden Files RPG) have also got an award-winning pulp fiction RPG called SPIRIT OF THE CENTURY. I mentioned their Kickstarter for their new fiction line a couple days ago. They’ve blown past the goals that will get subscribers the entire DINOCALYPSE trilogy by Chuck Wendig, and now they’re gonna go for The Big Stretch. If they hit $15,000, they’ll be producing a stand-alone SotC pulp fiction novel by Atomic Robo creator Brian…

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Children’s books piss me off.

We have a baby book called “Time for Christmas”, starring Duck and Goose. It has rather charming paintings, each depicting a wonderful, fun activity–building snow forts, making snow angels, having snowball fights, skating on the frozen pond, sledding, etc– –and the text for every page is “It is NOT time for sledding/skating/building snow forts”, until finally you get to the last page and it’s TIME FOR CHRISTMAS. What kind of stupid book tells children not to play? Because that’s what this does, as far as I’m concerned. And no, I…

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Kickstarter Tuesday

I believe I shall declare the 3rd Tuesday of any given month Kickstarter Tuesday, so I can mention all the cool projects I’ve seen lately all at once and not feel like I’m spamming everybody with an OMG LOOKY COOL NEW KICKSTARTER! every few days. So! Still in Progress: The incredible Judith Tarr’s young adult novel revisions project, LIVING IN THREES. It’s crossed $4K and is heading toward $4500, at which number she starts offering up classes advice discussions about world-building techniques. I expect that to be worth the price…

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