attack of the adverbs

I had one of those wretched back-to-college dreams where you realize it’s halfway through the semester and you’ve only gone to the first week of classes, and you don’t actually know your schedule, much less what’s going on in any of the classes but you’ve decided that by God you’re going to pull this semester together somehow so you’ve nerved yourself up to go to a class. Only in this case, first off, I thought I was going to a history class, and instead it proved to be a math…

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nothing much, really

is reading THE QUEEN’S BASTARD. It’s fascinating to listen to his comments, because TQB is totally different from anything else I’ve written. Among other things, it has a cast of thousands, and will, consequently, have a cast list at the front of the book, because I’m the only one who can keep them straight, and even I needed a list for the first several chapters. Not so much for the characters as the countries, but still. Anyway, listening to him reading it makes me eager to do the revisions on…

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~o early one morning o~

I gotta say, this waking up early thing is getting out of hand. o.O OTOH, it’s 10:30 and I’ve gotten 1200 words written (and I’d have had more if I hadn’t spent the better part of an hour playing solitaire. I really should remove that quicklink to it.), so there’s obviously something to be said for the waking up early bit. Yesterday’s thinks to do list was so successful I feel like I should make another one, but yesterday’s was so successful that I don’t have anything left hanging to…

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busy day

Today was one of those days where I was too busy doing other things to write. Only it turns out that if you get up around 7:30am or so, and start being productive more or less right away, even if you’re too busy doing other things to write, you still have enough time to write. I’d accomplished all sorts of things by 12:30, and was sort of bewildered that it was only 12:30. So I got half a new chapter written today: a little less than I hoped, quite a…

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I am not procrastinating.

I am eating breakfast. There’s a big difference! As soon as I have finished eating breakfast I will turn off this computer and go to work. Really. :) Lucy has become such a tubby kitty that chasing a piece of string makes her wheezy. I’m going to go find some low-fat cat food, or possibly just some not-for-the-delicate-of-bowel-Zilli cat food, and start feeding the cats separately and on a schedule. None of us will like that at all, but it won’t hurt any of us, either. (Now if someone would…

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